Keeping student learning and development central in our work, the Office of Community Standards strives to resolve all reports of student misconduct in a manner that promotes individual rights, fairness and accountability. To that end, we employ a number of methods designed to mediate conflict, address concerning student behavior, and maintain our campus community. We also provide support, education and prevention strategies designed to prevent domestic violence, relationship violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment and stalking.
The Student Code of Conduct generally is not applied to conduct which occurs off campus or AACC's satellite locations. The college can still have the right to act in cases where there is a connection between the off-campus conduct and the college. Disciplinary action given by AACC may proceed, and be in addition to, any penalty that might be imposed by an off-campus authority.
Examples of when off-campus conduct will result in action under the code include, but are not limited to, the following:
As a general rule, personal use of non-AACC social media is not governed by the Student Code of Conduct. Students should be aware, however, that online postings such as blogs, web postings, chats and social networking sites are in the public sphere and are not private unless password protected. From there, they could also be shared in unpredictable ways and with unintended audiences. In cases where personal and academic or professional boundaries are blurred, students should exercise discretion. Exceptions to the general rule may be made when actions or statements over social media have a sufficient connection to the college. These exceptions apply when:
AACC uses social media to supplement press relations and marketing efforts. The college encourages and supports students and community members to share AACC news, events and happenings over social media. It is important to acknowledge that when social media is used for personal purposes, but connects to AACC, that individual might be perceived as associated with AACC and the college’s mission. Students should understand that by mentioning or sharing AACC’s information over social media, including information concerning the student’s role at AACC, they are automatically serving as a representative of the college, and need to understand the implications in what they are posting.
AACC officials will never search for social media activity by students, staff or faculty members. However, if notification comes to AACC regarding activity that could be construed as inappropriate, disrespectful or offensive, action can be taken. Additionally, if potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct are brought to the attention of AACC administrators, action can be taken. If activity on social media can be construed as being a representative of AACC, additional responsibilities need to be understood. Examples of such conduct may include, but are not limited to:
The Office of Community Standards acknowledges that all individuals have a right to freedom of speech and expression as it relates to online activity. However, it is also the responsibility of all AACC community members to understand the impact words or actions can have on other people, and how that could infringe on the rights of individuals.
The student conduct process consists of at least one of three types of meetings: a preliminary meeting, an administrative conference meeting or an appeal hearing.
A preliminary meeting is designed to allow students the opportunity to review and respond to complaints filed against them. Students are not required to participate in the preliminary meeting, however they are strongly encouraged to attend and provide their perspective on the incident in which they are involved. During this meeting with professional staff, we:
An administrative conference is scheduled if, after the preliminary investigation, a reasonable basis exists to believe the accused student may have engaged in a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. If the student does not attend the meeting, a decision is made in their absence. Based on the nature of the violation and circumstances of the student, disciplinary outcomes are tailored to address the behavior and meet the developmental needs of the student. The resolution of the administrative conference is formally documented and used to create a disciplinary record within AACC. More information about the administrative conference can be found in the Code of Student Conduct.
Students may appeal on specific grounds. Requests for an appeal hearing should be submitted in writing to More information about the appeal process can be found in the Code of Student Conduct.
Disciplinary outcomes are resolutions to an administrative conference. They are designed to:
Any student found responsible of violating AACC's policy is subject to disciplinary sanctions. If you have any questions, contact Community Standards at 410-777-2766 or
The Code of Student Conduct defines terms and definitions, prohibited conduct, disciplinary procedures and disciplinary outcomes. The Code of Student Conduct Procedures are designed for the imposition of discipline within the college setting to protect the campus community.
Learn more about our Code of Student Conduct.
Members of our community who witness alleged violations are encouraged to report those incidents. Reports are forwarded to Community Standards for review. Not all reports result in a student conduct process. Based on the nature of the information shared, a report could be forwarded to other college officials. Community Standards manages three types of incident reports: student misconduct, concerning or threatening behavior, and sexual misconduct.
If you have any questions about reporting an incident, contact Community Standards at 410-777-2766 or
AACC students are expected to comply with all established college policies and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with AACC community standards. Any person may report alleged acts of student misconduct. These allegations can be reported anonymously.
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is an interdisciplinary group of college officials that meets regularly to review and, when necessary, respond to troubling behavior. The BIT is based on the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management (NCHERM) model which addresses concerns about students in distress and suggests options for appropriate action by the college.
All members of the college community share in the responsibility to create and maintain a safe learning environment. All reports, except those shared to a confidential source, may be shared with college officials. To learn more about resources and related information, visit Sexual Harassment and Assault.
Information about bias incident and campus climate concern reporting can be found on the Diversity and Inclusion webpage.
Below you will find just a few of the services available in Community Standards to help students maintain accountability and support the college community.
Community Standards maintains official discipline records for students. Access to any student disciplinary record will be governed by the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Students who apply to other institutions, apply for employment or apply for leadership opportunities may be required to have a background check performed on their nonacademic record. AACC does not disclose information from a student record without the student's written consent unless permitted by law. Community Standards responds honestly to these background check requests.
Community Standards may place a hold on a student record if:
A hold may prevent the student from registering for classes, requesting an official transcript or receiving a degree or certificate from AACC. To request a disciplinary hold to be lifted from your record, you must contact Community Standards and schedule an appointment. Allow at least 72 hours, prior to conducting business with AACC, to process any requests. To schedule an appointment email or call 410-777-2766.
Any individual seeking to enroll at the college that is listed on the National Sex Offender Registry and/or the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Sex Offender Registry, before being allowed to enroll, must register with the appropriate state and local agencies and meet with the appropriate college officials for a determination of appropriate conditions of enrollment. Complete our intake form and then schedule an appointment with our office.
Campus Policies
Policies and procedures guide the day to day operations of the college to ensure academic standards and integrity are met and that they articulate expectations for student conduct.
Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services provides accommodations to registered students to ensure access and full participation in college life.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Procedures of 1974 (FERPA)
FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. To allow outside parties to have access to your records, please contact the Records and Registration office.
Health and Wellness Center
The Health and Wellness Center is staffed by registered nurses and offers free and confidential services to registered students.
Personal Counseling Services
Counseling services are free to registered students. Sessions last about 50 minutes and students can use a maximum of three sessions per issue.
Public Safety and Police
In the event of an emergency, call 410-777-1818 or 911. For more information, please visit Campus Safety.